Seven Gross Mistakes India Won't Forgive You
When planning to go to India, for example to Goa, be careful and do not make the same mistakes that India will not forgive you. Not attentive attitude to some features and realities of the country can categorically ruin your entire vacation.
Observing the elementary rules of conduct adopted in any country, and adhering to common sense, you can feel confident and safe in any tourist corner of the world.
Goodwill, calmness, respect for oneself and others, a sober assessment of what is happening around, the ability to take into account the mentality and worldviews of others - these are the main qualities of a successful traveler.
But, also, while traveling, we always want to try something new, unusual. By the way, this is often used by locals in tourist regions to earn money by offering something like that. So, mistakes that should not be made in India.
1. Try the weed
Goa is often associated with smoking ants. (Can-dy, g-sh, grass, hemp, etc., as well as many other names with a common essence). The fact is that Goa was “discovered” in the 70s of the 20th century by hippies who were all in love with “natural changers”.
Since then, Goa has been considered a real Mecca for adherents of “light” stimulant substances, among which there is an opinion that grass is almost useful. Want to check it out? Think of the consequences first!
Ask yourself five questions:
- Do you know how to determine quality by appearance or even taste?
- Are you sure it's not treated with some kind of chemical?
- Do you know exactly how your body will react to doping?
- Do you trust the seller?
- And do you really need it?
Ask yourself these questions and remember that in India there is a relevant law from 1985 (Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985), which establishes responsibility not only for possession and distribution, but also for use. Penalties range from heavy fines to 30 years in prison.
Recently, the beaches of Goa, especially in the north, have been patrolled by crowds of policemen following instructions to step up the fight against illegal doping. Often they are dressed in civilian clothes and cooperate with "pleasure" vendors.
They say that the prisons in India are among the worst in the world, corruption and red tape are rampant, and bribes from whites cost the last apartments in their homeland.
Well, and finally, “arrival” - are you sure that you won’t decompose into atoms and won’t come to your senses somewhere here?
In general, and in principle, you should not try something illegal, and certainly not worth doing it in India.
2. Seek entertainment in brothels
It's simple, services of a certain nature in India are really very cheap. However, according to some data published online, more than half of the "workers" of this industry have concomitant "occupational" diseases. And as you understand, this is not high blood pressure or arthrosis of the knee joint.
For the desperate, spitting on unsanitary conditions and elementary hygiene standards, I want to report positive information for them. In a country where "moths" are almost criminals, and the law provides for the punishment of persons engaged in the provision of services of this nature, the Supreme Court of Karnataka ruled that "there is no punishment" for the "client" who uses these services.
But immediately in pursuit of another, a little sad information for this category of tourists. The police are still arresting brothel clients during raids. And then they let go. In general, Russian roulette in India.
3. Walking alone late at night
The advice concerns, first of all, women. The fact is that, despite what was written above, India is a country of strict morals, where girls get married without first meeting men, and men themselves are deprived of the possibility of “legal” flirting and premarital relationships.
Couples are more often formed from photographs or with the assistance of parents (the age of the future spouses is not important; for a 40-year-old man, parents also choose the bride) than when they meet in person. Do you feel the heat of passion? Add to this the fact that there are practically no Indian films of a frankly erotic nature, but in cinemas on wide screens they show similar “works” with white women. And let's add here the naivety and gullibility of the Indians ...
Therefore, there is a myth in the country about the availability of "white" women, who are always ready for anything. So it turns out that in a state where the level of violent crime is quite low, harassment and even close violent relationships with white women have flourished.
If you do not plan to become the new Mahatma Gandhi and expose the lie, or at least start making explicit Indian films, then you should know that you cannot defeat this myth, so just sleep or have fun at night only in the company of people you know well.
4. Don't care about hygiene and legibility
Warm humid climate, six months of rain, the indifferent attitude of the Indians to the garbage and, as a result, unsanitary conditions. Check out some photos and don't forget to use soap and antibacterial gel! When choosing a cafe for lunch, try to be more careful. Some street-type establishments have a very peculiar way of washing dishes and cutlery.
To learn more about the problems of dirt and garbage in India, read the overview article with numerous photos and videos. "Why is India so dirty: garbage, dirt, stink and animals."
5. Rent a moped, aka a bike
In principle, it is possible if you have already managed to ride in Tae and are accustomed to the Asian driving style. You can, even if you are not familiar with this style, and first came to Goa. Just remember that the movement is left-handed, it is customary to honk when overtaking and on sharp turns.
Still, in large cities in the center of the country, it is better to refrain from renting a bike, because the movement does not lend itself to any logic, and it is unlikely that you will be right in the event of an accident without knowing Hindi.
6. Swim behind the "buoys" in the ocean
Here the conversation, of course, is not about buoys. We have not heard of any buoys in Goa. Even some fishermen do not know how to swim, and many Indians are terribly afraid of water. Know this, and in the water rely only on yourself.
And yet, the return (fender) currents that go from the coast into the sea are dangerous. As a person caught in a return current, I will say, the main thing is not to panic, swim across the current towards the shore. Usually such currents are not wide, it is easiest to deal with them while you are close to the shore.
7. Give alms right and left
And the last: about beggars and beggars in India. It seems that beggars are an integral part of the country, and although the picture of crying children and ugly old people is depressing, it should be assessed with a certain amount of skepticism. It often happens that "brilliant" Indians "earn" a lot of money in this way, investing as little effort as possible in their work.
So on the street you can meet children, women, old people and cripples of various sizes. Although this picture is really shocking, you should not give alms to the first person you meet, especially if the beggar is not alone.
Why? First of all, because in an instant a large group of beggars will gather around such a good kind foreigner, who will stretch out their hands to you for their “portion of happiness”. Worst of all, if you become the object of attention not just "annoying and annoying" type of beggars, but a group of aggressive extortionists. Do not ask anything, do not enter into a dialogue, just go about your business.
PS These are not all the mistakes that a tourist in India can make. Opinion is subjective and evaluative. It is not intended to offend or humiliate anyone. Thank you for your attention…
And, of course, it is proposed to watch a short 4-minute video, about dirt and garbage in India.