
Bad Experience: Chlorophyll Face Mask

So, the girl named Bark, desperate to take care of her problematic skin, the day before an important interview, she decided to use a mask with chlorophyll for her face.

She learned from social media that a chlorophyll face mask can reduce inflammation.

Chlorophyll It is a plant pigment that colors plant chloroplasts green. It is with its participation that photosynthesis occurs.

It is stated that a face mask with chlorophyll can neutralize any redness of the skin, inflammatory in nature.

Applying a face mask

At first, nothing foreshadowed any trouble. The mask was applied without problems, even green layer. And the girl became the most ridiculous from the look of her face.

“I have problems with my skin, so maybe putting some chlorophyll on it might work. I watched the video and it said you just need to rub it into your skin a little. It may make your face look greenish, but the cleansing effect will be amazing.” Cora said.

However, when she tried to wash off the cream from her fingers, she was visited by a bad premonition. After all, it was not so easy to remove the cream from the mask from the fingers.

Mask of their chlorophyll on the fingers

The cream was washed off. However, the persistence of the green color was simply amazing. The greenish tint, even after several washes, did not disappear anywhere. And that fact made her worry about her face.

As it turns out, her fears were not unfounded. The cream also did not want to completely wash off the face. After several unsuccessful attempts, her face still had a greenish cast.

Washed off face mask with chlorophyll

Cora broadcast the entire process of applying a face mask with chlorophyll in one of the social networks. It was after unsuccessful attempts to restore the previous skin color that some users of the social network compared her face with the face of the animated character Shrek.

Bark with a clean face

Cora was worried, but the main thing is that in the end the situation was resolved and the girl successfully passed an important interview.

It seems she wasn't alone in this bad experience, as one person confessed, "Damn, I did that too and could see a green tint to my skin after a week."

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